TO INFINITY – An introductory Space book by Space Athletics Federation’s Raphael Roettgen
Raphael Roettgen is co-founder of the Space Athletics Federation®. His acclaimed introductory space book ‘TO INFINITY – The Space Economy & How You Can Participate’ is now fully revised and updated.
Raphael maintains that education and outreach about Space is of key importance, e.g. explaining:
– Why Space is important to help solve many of humanity’s challenges
– How Space can benefit almost any non-space sector
– Why Space is a big opportunity for investors for decades to come
– How almost anyone can get involved in Space in some way (without being the proverbial rocket scientist)
TO INFINITY has three parts over its approx. 230 pages:
– Key trends driving the Space economy
– Key subsectors of the Space economy
– A final philosophical part discussing our potential future in Space, why it’s important, and closing on how everyone can participate.
The book is available as an ebook and in paperback, see